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What is the deal with cats?

So…it seems we all have one. A friend that constantly shares their seemingly one and only passion in life; cats. No matter what the subject at hand is…from the national debt, to your new baby niece, they can somehow find a way to turn the conversation to cats. They don’t even have to be the proud owner of one, yet they will fill every blank space in the conversation with feline this, and paw print that. Why is this? What makes them spend hours at a time looking up cat videos, and downloading new pics of the fuzzy beasts? To hopefully appease these readers, here is a snap of our household mascot, in one of his favorite poses.

Do you think this will satisfy their need for the fluffy ones? Nah, me neither…but purrrhaps it will keep them busy for a few moments while they try to read his mind. Do you have any thoughts on why cats seem to be dominating the internet? Share them on our Facebook page!

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